
“All great changes are preceded by Chaos” - Deepak Chopra

A selection of Before and After photos by Organised

With school exams, sports and horse shows keeping this talented teenager busy, it had been hard for her to find the time to organise her bedroom. With a little help the bedroom is now a calm, restful space again.

Running a business from home and the paperwork from children’s school and other activities, meant the office space in this lounge room felt chaotic.  By defining one area of the workspace for the business, the other area for family, adding a filing cabinet and a few other storage solutions this space became more functionable and manageable.

Things were beginning to pile up and it was becoming increasingly hard to find items. After putting everything back in it’s place, the beautiful desk was visible again.

A large clear out of un-used products made more space in this bathroom. Now all the everyday-use items can be easily accessed.

With her amazing attitude and the way she happily donated items no longer needed, it was such a pleasure helping this lovely girl create space in her bedroom that she can now enjoy. 

A large amount of kitchen items in these drawers made it hard to fit everything in.  Clearing out and using space in other kitchen cupboards, meant more space in the drawers for frequently used kitchenware.

Sometimes rooms can look completely different, with a little re-thinking.  This was the case for this house that was about to go on the market.  The bedroom had been used as an office, but converting it back to a bedroom, for the purpose of selling, made it a more appealing space.

A busy schedule left little time to organise this family’s home office.  By adding new filing systems and creating space elsewhere, to store non-office items, this office became a much more user-friendly space.

– Now that the office was clear, focussing on work was much easier.

Drawers can become messy spaces, by adding these divider boxes, the items are now more easily accessible. 

This cupboard, under the stairs, had become a dumping space for anything and everything.  Finding the right areas to put items throughout the rest of the house, meant this space returned to a useable cupboard again.

Outgrown clothes and other unwanted items took up too much space in this wardrobe.  Functional space was created, once these items were removed.

Finding enough space to store items in this wardrobe had become tricky. By putting things back away in the drawers and donating unwanted items, it is now a tidy wardrobe space again.

Just inside the main entrance of this busy family’s home, was one of those areas where things tend to accumulate. With some re-organisation, reducing the amount of items and adding designated spaces for things, this area is now a tidy, functional space.

This spare bedroom has two purposes – a music room and a children’s play space.  The children’s toys and crafts had taken over the room, not leaving much room for the music space.  Some re-organisation and a clear-out have left more room to enjoy the music.

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